How Long Should a Stair Lift Last?


There’s no denying that a stair lift is a major investment. Having one installed isn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision. Most homeowners give the matter careful thought, weighing the advantages over the cost before moving forward with the project. Part of the evaluative process is learning all you can about stair lifts, including how they work, the various brands, and the features they offer. One frequently asked question is how long should a stair lift last? While there is obviously no way to precisely predict how long a lift will continue to work properly, the better the craftsmanship, the longer the life expectancy. Well-built stair lifts like those made by Bruno and offered by the Barrier Free Store should continue to perform optimally for at least 10 years.

The Value of Regular Maintenance

Like any piece of complex machinery, a regular routine of preventive maintenance can keep your stair lift in good condition throughout its lifespan. We recommend having your lift inspected annually. This maintenance review should include:


  • Cleaning and lubricating the track
  • Checking moving parts for loose components
  • Checking the batteries, which should be replaced every one to three years with heavy use and three to five years with light use
  • Checking tracks, gears, and/or rollers
  • Checking and, if necessary, tightening mounting bolts


Homeowners should also perform regular upkeep such as cleaning the upholstery, keeping the rails lubricated, and making sure the stairs are free of debris or objects that could get caught under the chair, such as socks or slippers.

Be Alert for Warning Signs

After your lift is initially installed, you’ll quickly become familiar with its normal operation and performance. If at some later point you notice subtle changes such as atypical noises or reduced lifting capacity, call and request a service check as soon as possible. In this way, you’ll be able to fix minor mechanical issues before they become major problems.


Choosing the right company to partner with for a stair lift can also help extend its service life. At the Barrier Free Store, we’re an Upper Peninsula company headquartered in Marquette. Since we’re local, we’ll be here to provide prompt service for your stair lift, be it an annual inspection or an urgent repair. Contact us today and schedule a no-obligation consultation to learn more.

“My dad’s strength deteriorated over a short period of time due to medicines he needed to take. Your company provided prompt service. We most appreciated the person who had the foresight to have a stair lift in stock because my dad basically needed an emergency installation for his safety and mine, so we could safely get upstairs. Thank you to everyone for your kindness and quick assistance at a difficult time. My dad loves the lift!”

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“My stair climber has made it possible for me to stay in my home and I am pleased with the bathroom remodel/updates. The employees are very friendly, efficient, helpful, and polite!”

“I am extremely satisfied with the lift and all who worked on it. Thank you for everything!”

“My dad’s strength deteriorated over a short period of time due to medicines he needed to take. Your company provided prompt service. We most appreciated the person who had the foresight to have a stair lift in stock because my dad basically needed an emergency installation for his safety and mine, so we could safely get upstairs. Thank you to everyone for your kindness and quick assistance at a difficult time. My dad loves the lift!”

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